
The Mislaka-API allows you to send transactions call to Swiftness through a simple REST API.

'Nobel Digital' Is Authorized Distributor Of Swiftness.
Email: [email protected]
Api Version: 1.0.0


Swiftness services can be access by applying the following steps:

Create Account Link


Subscription plan


In order to use the API, you should authenticate your request by including your API key as token value:

Authorization: token API_KEY_HERE

Api token key generate after your account will be verified

If needed you can change your API key throw settings page


Make sure you have the following content type headers are on every request:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


Mislakas's API is hosted on the following base URI:


Mislaka uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. The table below contains a summary of the typical response codes:

Code Description
200 Everything is ok.
400 Valid data was given but the request has failed.
401 No valid API Key was given.
404 The request resource could not be found.
422 The payload has missing required parameters or invalid data was given.
429 Too many attempts.
500 Request failed due to an internal error in Mislaka.
503 Mislaka is offline for maintenance.

Rate Limit

This Limitation is to prevent overloading of our servers and anti flood attack,
We apply limit of 100 requests per min

API History

Inside the dashboard you will have logs for each API request

You can trace the following data:

- Leads Pages

Get All Pages

GET /api/leads-pages


                    "page_name": "",
                    "status": "Active / Inactive",
                    "forms": ["נספח א","הר הביטוח","פוליסות מחברות הביטוח"],
                    "send_9100": true,
                    "redirect_url": "",
                    "webhook_url": "",

Get Records List


                    "first_name": "",
                    "last_name": "",
                    "id_number": "",
                    "email": "",
                    "mobile_phone": "",
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "user_agent": "",
                    "forms": ["form_a_id":"","form_harb_id":"","form_insurance_polisot":""],
                    "page_url": "",
                    "status": "Active / Inactive",
                    "params": "",
                    "transaction_id": "",
                    "send_9100": "",
                    "redirect_url": "",
                    "webhook_url": "",
                    "webhook_response_code": 200,
                    "webhook_response_content": "",

HTTP Request

GET /api/leads-pages/records

- Mislaka Forms

Send 'Form A' To Client


                "first_name": "",
                "last_name": "",
                "person_id_number": "",
                "address": "",
                "house_number": "",
                "send_type": "email",
                "send_9100_when_signed": true


                    "message":"Form sent to client",

HTTP Request

POST /api/forms

Request Stracture

Key Type Required Description
sender_id String Yes Id number of the sender
type String Yes "A"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
city_name String Yes City of client
address String Yes Street of client
house_number String No House number of client
mobile String Yes - if target is mobile Mobile number In case we want to send by SMS
email String Yes - if target is email Email address In case we want to send by Email
send_type email/sms/email_sms Yes By what method to send the client (Email/Sms/Both)
send_9100_when_signed Boolean Yes if to send 9100 request automatically when the form is signed

Send 'Har Bituach' To Client


                "first_name": "",
                "last_name": "",
                "person_id_number": "",
                "send_type": "email",
                "harb_issue_date": "2024-12-31",
                "harb_birthdate": "2024-12-31",
                "harb_family": "",


                    "message":"Form sent to client",

HTTP Request

POST /api/forms

Request Stracture

Key Type Required Description
sender_id String Yes Id number of the sender
type String Yes "A"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
mobile String Yes - if target is mobile Mobile number In case we want to send by SMS
email String Yes - if target is email Email address In case we want to send by Email
send_type email/sms/email_sms Yes By what method to send the client (Email/Sms/Both)
harb_issue_date Date No Issue date of ID card //format: d/m/Y
harb_birthdate Date No Client Birthdate //format: d/m/Y
harb_birthdate Boolean No

Send 'Insurance Polisot Copy' To Client


                "first_name": "",
                "last_name": "",
                "person_id_number": "",
                "send_type": "email",
                "manager_id": "required"


                    "message":"Form sent to client",

HTTP Request

POST /api/forms

Request Stracture

Key Type Required Description
sender_id String Yes Id number of the sender
type String Yes "A"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
mobile String Yes - if target is mobile Mobile number In case we want to send by SMS
email String Yes - if target is email Email address In case we want to send by Email
send_type email/sms/email_sms Yes By what method to send the client (Email/Sms/Both)
manager_id String Yes The ID Number of manufacturer

Get Form


                "form_id": "",
                "person_id_number": "",
                "client_first_name": "",
                "client_last_name": "",
                "client_email": "",
                "client_phone": "",
                "client_ip": "",
                "client_browser": "",
                "client_platform": "",
                "signed_date": "",
                "sent_by": "SMS",
                "status": "Signed",
                "created": "2024-02-02T14:28:51.000000Z",
                "updated": "2024-02-02T16:39:34.000000Z",
                "9100_created": true,
                "transaction_id": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
                "mislaka_number": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",

HTTP Request

GET /api/forms/{formId}

Get File


return the file content for downloading (PDF)

HTTP Request

GET /forms/{formId}/files/

Del Files


                    "message":"FormA File deleted successfully",

HTTP Request

DEL /forms/{formId}/files/

* Note: this method will Delete also `9100 Transaction` Files if exsist

- Mislaka Transactions

Create Information Request (9100)

בקשת מיידעים - טרום ייעוץ


                    "first_name": "",
                    "last_name": "",
                    "person_id_number": "",
                    "signed_date": "31/12/2023",
                    "address": "",
                    "house_number": "",
                    "sender_id" : "",


                    "message":"File was Sent To Mislaka",

HTTP Request

POST /api/transaction

Key Type Required Description
type String Yes "9100"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
signed_date Date Yes when the client signed on form. example: 31/12/2023
city_name String Yes City of client
address String Yes Street of client
house_number String Yes House number of client
sender_id String no

Create Power of Attorney (1700)

בקשת מינוי סוכן


                "first_name": "",
                "last_name": "",
                "person_id_number": "",
                "signed_date": "31/12/2023",
                "address": "",
                "house_number": "",
                "form_type": "3",
                "manufacturer": 123123123,
                "agent_number": "",
                "product_data": [{"agent_number": ", "product_code": ", "client_account_number_in_product": "}...]


                "message":"File was Sent To Mislaka",

HTTP Request

POST /api/transaction

Key Type Required Description
type String Yes "1700"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
signed_date Date Yes when the client signed on form. example: 31/12/2023
city_name String Yes City of client
address String Yes Street of client
house_number String Yes House number of client
form_type String Yes 2 = B1, 3 = B2
manufacturer Number Yes The insurance manufacturer comapny id number
agent_number String No Internal agent number at the insurance manufacturer comapny
power_of_attorney_file_url URL Yes link to the form file (power of attorney) - PDF / Images
identification_file_url URL Yes link to the identification file - PDF / Images

Create Policy Copy

בקשת העתקי פוליסות מחברות הביטוח


                "first_name": "",
                "last_name": "",
                "person_id_number": "",
                "manufacturer": 123123123,
                "send_form_to_client_signature": true, ('optinal')
                "send_signature_type": "email/sms/both",
                "sender_id": ""


                "message":"File was Sent",

HTTP Request

POST /api/transaction

Key Type Required Description
type String Yes "policy_copy"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
email_address Email No Only if we want to send signature request
phone String No Only if we want to send signature request
manufacturer Number Yes The insurance manufacturer comapny id number
send_form_to_client_signature Bool No Send to client signature request?
send_signature_type Bool No Only if Send to client signature request is true = email/sms/both
form_file_url URL No Link to the form file - Required Only if not sending signature request
family_members Array No If we want to get also polices of others family members, need name and person id
products Array Yes Code of every Policy that we want to get back
sender_id String no

Create Employee Information (9401)

בקשת מידע למעסיק עבור עובד


    "type": "9401",
    "employee_first_name": "",
    "employee_last_name": "",
    "employee_person_id_number": "",
    "employee_email": "",
    "employee_phone": "",
    "employer_type": "",
    "employer_id": "",
    "employer_name": "",
    "sender_id": ""


                "message":"File was Sent To Mislaka",

HTTP Request

POST /api/transaction

Key Type Required Description
type String Yes "9401"
employee_first_name String Yes Firstname of client
employee_last_name String Yes Lastname of client
employee_person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
employee_email email address Yes [email protected]
employee_phone String Yes Phone number of the worker
employer_type String Yes Business identification BY -> 1 = ח.פ, 3 = ת.ז
employer_id String Yes Business identification number
employer_name String Yes Business name
sender_id String no

Create Har Bituach Request

בקשת לקבלת הר הביטוח


    "type": "harBituach",
    "person_id_number": "",
    "mobile_phone": "",
                "child_id": "",
                "child_bd": ""
                "child_id": "",
                "child_bd": ""
    "send_signature_type": "",
    "sender_id": "",


                "message":"Sent To Har HaBituach",

HTTP Request

POST /api/transaction

Key Type Required Description
type String Yes "harBituach"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
birth_date Date Yes Birth date //format: d/m/Y
id_issue_date Date Yes Issue date of ID Card //format: d/m/Y
children Array No up to 2 children in request
child_id String No Id number - 9 digits
child_bd Date No Birth date //format: d/m/Y
send_form_to_client_signature Bool No
send_signature_type string No sms|email|both
mobile_phone String No
email Email Address No
sender_id String no Will Take the default if empty
callback_url URL no Overwrite the default Webhook if set .

Create Car Insurance History

בקשת לקבלת היעדר תביעות - עבר ביטוחי לרכב


    "type": "CarInsuranceHistory",
    "person_id_number": "",
    "send_signature_type": "",
    "mobile_phone": "",
    "sender_id": "",


                "message":"Sent To Har HaBituach",

HTTP Request

POST /api/transaction

Key Type Required Description
type String Yes "harBituach"
first_name String Yes Firstname of client
last_name String Yes Lastname of client
person_id_number String Yes Id number - 9 digits
birth_date Date Yes Birth date //format: d/m/Y
id_issue_date Date Yes Issue date of ID Card //format: d/m/Y
car_number Number Yes
send_form_to_client_signature Bool No
send_signature_type string No sms|email|both
mobile_phone String No
email Email Address No
sender_id String no Will Take the default if empty
callback_url URL no Overwrite the default Webhook if set .

Get Transaction



HTTP Request

GET /api/transaction/{transactionId}

Get Employee Information (9401)


    "transaction_id": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
    "mislaka_number": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
    "status": "Completed",
    "action_code": 9401,
    "person_id_number": "123456789",
    "employeeInfo": [... Data ...]

HTTP Request

GET /api/transaction/{transactionId}/employee-info

Get File


return the file content for downloading

HTTP Request

GET /transaction/{transactionId}/files/{fileType}

Acceptable Types

Key Value
fileType PDF
fileType XLS
fileType ZIP

Del Files


                    "message":"Files deleted successfully",

HTTP Request

DEL /transaction/{transactionId}/files/

* Note: this method will Delete also `Form A` File if exsist

Masked Record


                    "message":"Record Masked successfully",

Example Of Masked Data

Key Value
Name יה**** כ**
id Number ******730

HTTP Request

GET /api/transaction/{transactionId}/masked

- Polisot

Get Polisot List Of Transaction

GET /api/transaction/{transactionId}/polisot/

Request Stracture

Key Required Description
transactionId Yes Transaction Id in url


                { "transaction_id":"xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
                            "manufacturer": "",
                            "product_type": "",
                            "polisa_number" : "xxxxxx",
                            "polisa_name" : "xxxxxx",
                            "polisa_status" : "active",

All Polisot Data


                { "transaction_id":"xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
                          *** Full Data Of Polisa ** 

HTTP Request

GET /api/transaction/{transactionId}/polisot/data

Request Stracture

Key Required Description
transactionId Yes Transaction Id in url

Get Data Of Specific Polisa


                { "transaction_id":"xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
                          *** Full Data Of Polisa ** 

HTTP Request

GET /api/transaction/{transactionId}/polisot/{polisa_Number}

Request Stracture

Key Required Description
transactionId Yes Transaction Id in url
polisa_Number Yes Polisa Number in url

- General

Get Manufacturers List

GET /api/manufacturers/list/


                    "name": "אי. אי. ג'י ישראל חברה לביטוח בע\"מ",
                    "manager_id": 512304882,
                    "handler": 513924068
                    "name": "מנורה מבטחים פנסיה וגמל בע\"מ (גמל)",
                    "manager_id": 512245812,
                    "handler": 512790221


When transaction is finished or failed You can get callback with files to speisifc webhook url.

A general webhook can be sent for 9100/1700/9401/policy_copy requests.

Webhook response example



Security And Your Data Is Important For Us.

Guildlines Points



Automation Platforms

Our goal is to make it easier for you.

Platform Status Link ✅ Done Link
Zapier ⏳ Comming Soon
Make ⏳ Comming Soon

Postman Collection

Using Postman ? Contact US and we will send you
Collection.json file that contains all our api requests.

Contact With Us

Have questions?

Email: [email protected] Phone: 058-408-4080